The EDD Youth Ensemble is a proud member of Regional Dance America, MidStates region.

Eisenhower Dance Detroit Youth Ensemble dancers rehearse in a dance studio in Illinois during the 2021 RDA/MidStates Festival.

Regional Dance America, RDA, is a 501(c)3 nonprofit whose mission is elevating the future of dance in America – giving dancers experience and directors perspective. Each season, highly esteemed adjudicators tour the regions to select works by member companies and arrange Festival programs. The Adjudicators provide constructive feedback to member companies to elevate their accomplishments. The season culminates at the Festivals, where participants attend master classes, seminars, and college roundtables during the day, as well as perform each evening. Member company dancers are seen by college and professional training program recruiters and have the opportunity to audition for awards and scholarships.

RDA National Festival 2024
Daytona Beach, FL
April 24-27, 2024

**Attendance at RDA festivals is mandatory for 1st and 2nd company members only.