If you have done your due diligence you will be ready for every audition! The next step is to put your blinders on, bring your “A Game” and GO FOR IT! Don’t worry about what the dancers are doing around you, just focus on yourself. Don’t try to figure out what the Choreographer/Artistic Director is thinking and whether they like you or not.
There are many variables that go into an Artistic Director’s decision when choosing company members. For instance, how many contracts are available, the budget for the season or project, what type of dancer they are looking for for that particular season or project. These variables change from year to year, so if you do get cut from an audition try not to get down on yourself. It does not necessarily mean you are not good enough to be a professional dancer. It just means you might not be ready or you are not what they need this time around. Stay positive and keep at it! Everyone has their own path-we just don’t know what our path is until we look back...