If I could give advice to my younger self, the most important thing I’d share is the idea of cross-training, physically and mentally. The biggest advantage to cross-training is injury prevention. Of course as a dancer, we are at high risk for injuries. Most injuries occur from over usage. The act of cross-training gives the muscles used in dance a break while bringing the focus to strengthening surrounding muscles. Working the same muscle groups over and over again make the muscle tighter and tighter and because of the intense work being done on the few overused muscles, we become less flexible and our range of motion decreases. Working the muscles and tendons at a different level of intensity helps them to recover from the wear and tear. Injuries are developed from overuse, which are a direct cause of muscle imbalance. To help prevent injuries: -Strengthen the muscles you don’t often use -Strengthen your non-dominant side, as well as all the little muscles surrounding the areas that stabilize the joint.