Getting the Most Out of Virtual Classes - EDD’s September ProTip

EDD’s monthly newsletter designed to
share our 30 years of EXPERTISE, ADVICE
and RESOURCES with dancers &
parents of ALL ages!





“What’s coming will come and we’ll face it when it does.” -J. K. Rowling

Lately, these words by J. K. Rowling have become the tune of my life. I don’t think any of us expected to be in the situation we are today. Like most of you, I am a student and finishing my senior year at Oakland University. Although the idea of online classes might have seemed nice for some, as a dance major it was a very different story. Yet, what I’ve come to learn is that it is up to us to make the most out of every situation life throws our way. What’s coming will come, that’s a part of life, but we do have the power to make the best of what we are dealt, find creative solutions, and learn from these experiences. I wanted to share some of the things I’ve learned as I’ve navigated my online classes to help you make the most out of your online learning. 

  • Designate a space for yourself.

    For my dance classes, this meant rearranging some furniture and setting up my laptop in a place that was easily visible. For my academic classes, I found setting up a desk area to be helpful. It gave me a place to go and focus when I needed to and going to the same place created consistency in my schedule.

  • Take this time to focus on yourself!

    What’s unique about this situation is it places us in an environment very different than what we are used to. Without the distraction of having others in class, take this opportunity to focus on yourself and not worry about what others around you are doing. 

  • Know that, just like when you’re in the studio, there will be ups and downs.

    Some days online dancing will feel great and other days you’re going to feel over it. These ups and downs are a part of life. Remember that just because there are bad days does not mean that you are not learning and improving. 

  • Do things to help yourself stay motivated.

    For me, this often involves reminding myself that one day we will return to the studio. I’ve found that it is important to set goals for myself. Give yourself things to reach for and work on in class and find ways to reward your victories. 

  • Take advantage of outside opportunities!

    There are so many classes being offered virtually and the best part is a lot of them are FREE. Try something new such as, Pilates or Yoga. (I’ve enjoyed taking free Pilates with MovBod on instagram!) Take a class from a company out of state or even from a different teacher in a new style. This is the perfect opportunity to push ourselves and try something outside of our comfort zone! 

  • Keep creating.

    As dancers we are lucky and we are used to improvising and finding creative solutions. Use this opportunity to further explore your creativity both in and outside of dance. Do your own thing and find what’s best for you! There are no wrong answers!

Online learning is not easy and looks different for everyone. For me it has taken a lot of trial and error to find what works best. Yet in these difficult and trying times, I have found many things to lean into for support.

We have each other (even online) AND we still have dance and that is an amazing thing!

Sending love and good vibes your way!



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ProTip Advisor:
Isabella Vincent

Isabella is a recent graduate of Oakland University’s dance department and apprenticed w/ EDD her senior year.