“What’s coming will come and we’ll face it when it does.” -J. K. Rowling
Lately, these words by J. K. Rowling have become the tune of my life. I don’t think any of us expected to be in the situation we are today. Like most of you, I am a student and finishing my senior year at Oakland University. Although the idea of online classes might have seemed nice for some, as a dance major it was a very different story. Yet, what I’ve come to learn is that it is up to us to make the most out of every situation life throws our way. What’s coming will come, that’s a part of life, but we do have the power to make the best of what we are dealt, find creative solutions, and learn from these experiences. I wanted to share some of the things I’ve learned as I’ve navigated my online classes to help you make the most out of your online learning.