What caused your chronic injury? "My personal experience with chronic injury is a series of pinched nerves in my pelvis. As I was growing up dancing, I overused the right side of my body. In my break dancing classes I mainly focused on strengthening my freezes and power moves using my right arm and obliques. On the other hand, in jazz and ballet, I favored my right leg; always working on leaps pushing off my right leg, and increasing flexibility for my battements and extensions with my right leg. These little actions I did 5-8 years ago have shaped my body’s alignment today.” What were the repercussions of those actions? “My right leg developed longer than my left, so my pelvis is lifted on the right side. My obliques on my right side have tightened so much that my right shoulder has dropped toward my hip. Since my spine is now curved to the right, it has caused a lot of pressure on the lowest disc in my spine (the connection point from my spine to my pelvis). Because of the compression, my sacrum often shifts out of place and the nerves have a smaller pathway to travel through. As a result, the past three years I have been battling mild to severe pain throughout my pelvis and the front of my right hip.”